Richard C. Armitage
Richard C. Armitage

As an actor, you're like, 'Yeah, I want that phone call from Peter Jackson saying, 'You're my first choice for Thorin Oakenshield.'

Richard C. Armitage
Richard C. Armitage

I think my fighting skills have certainly been improved by working with Peter Jackson.

Richard C. Armitage
Richard C. Armitage

The narrative that Peter Jackson has put into 'The Battle of the Five Armies,' it stands alone as a film. Rather than just finishing off the story, it's like a whole new adventure all of its own. I'm very excited about it.

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

Stephen Daldry would be a director that I would love to work with as well as Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, and I'm very lucky to have worked with Isabel Coixet, who is also one of my favourite directors.

William Kircher
William Kircher

The thing about working with Peter Jackson is that, at the end of the day, he is a passionate artist.

Clerks II
Clerks II

Randal Graves: Let me tell you something. If Peter Jackson really wanted to blow me away with those Rings movies, he would've ended the third movie on the logical closure point, NOT the 25 endings that followed!
Elias: What's the "logical closure point"?
Hobbit Lover: Yeah, friend, enlighten us
Randal Graves:

When fuckin' Frido wakes up from his little comer, or whatever, and all the other hobbits are jumpin' on his bed.
[squinting his eyes]
Randal Graves: And then Sam leans in the doorway and gives him this very fucking gay look.
Elias: Not The Rings, Randal! Say what you will about Jesus, but leave The Rings out of this!

Lover: [getting angry] I'm gonna kick your ass back to The Shire if you don't shut your fucking mouth.
Randal Graves: That look was so gay. I thought Sam was gonna tell the little hobbits to take a walk so he could saunter over to Frodo and suck his fucking cock. Now THAT would have been an Academy Award worthy ending.
Hobbit Lover: Hey,

faggot! They're not gay! They're hobbits!
Randal Graves: And then, right after the Sam/Frodo suckfest, right before the credits roll, Sam fucking flat out bricks in Frodo's mouth.
Hobbit Lover: I swear-
Hobbit Lover: Fuck you!

Clerks II
Clerks II

Randal Graves: If Peter Jackson really wanted to blow me away with those "Rings" movies, he would have ended the third one on the logical closure point, not the 25 endings that followed.